Monday, September 12, 2011


Guten Tag!  We finally made it to Wien.  I’m so pumped to finally be here.  The weather is warm und sonnig and unusually warm for this time of year which ist sehr gut!  We arrived on Friday…about 12 of us had our luggage lost which meant that I wore the same outfit for about 40 hours. We stayed in a hotel the first night and then our host families picked us up yesterday.  Annisija Wallin and I get to stay with Liselotte Ekl in district 13 of Vienna.  We call her Lisel and she calls us “girlies.”  She speaks great English but is helping us improve our German by mainly speaking to us auf Deutsch.  She is atheletic, loves South American culture, and her back yard is filled with fruits that we eat for breakfast every morning. Overall, my first impressions of Vienna are super positive.  I am so excited to get to live and experience this beautiful city and culture for three whole months!  
 This is our room that we share... we have our own bathroom (separate from our host) which is lucky since most don't have that luxury


  1. Your luggage got lost!? O no! That is horrible! But I am glad you are all settled in now! Your room is huge and you are so lucky that you have your own bathroom! Everything sounds so great so far! Keep the posts coming

  2. aHHHHHH you're in VIENNA!!!!! jealous. Also, I saw Forrest today and he was already Elder Howell cuz today he went to the MTC, ah!
