Sunday, September 18, 2011

week one, week of fun

Guten Tag!!!

My host frau doesn't have internet at her house so posting will be less frequent than hoped...anyways here's my week in pictures.  It's been a super fun and super busy week.  The best part was that my parents came and visited this weekend!  We missed schwester and hund (steph and louie) but we still had a blast!

 lunch with Kierstin, Annisija, and Lindsay

 Waiting for the street car coming home from school

 grocery shopping at Spar

 Schubert lived big deal

 Our entire group on the world's oldest ferris wheel

Look for this made-for-tv-movie playing now (the man with the bassoon)
Photo curtesy of my parents in Berlin...I've trained them well- they can spot a bassoon a mile away

 Rigoletto at the Volksoper... gotta love standing room tickets at the very top in the very back

My mother and I with our matching mustard clothes in front of Stephansdom

 The Barber of Seville at the Staatsoper...Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro

 My host frau, Lilo's backyard

 It's a garden with apples and pears galore... we eat a freshly picked apple for breakfast every morning

 and the front of the house 

 Lunch with the program directors, Herr and Frau Minert, and my roommie Annisija

 Boating on the Danube... we played Strauss waltzes and mozart tunes on my phone for the duration of the cruise

Rathaus (Parliament) with the circus in front 

 Don Giovanni streaming live outside the Staatsoper

It's been so much fun having my parents here this weekend.  We had a blast, eaten good food, seen great opera, and had a great time.  


  1. It looks like you are having so much fun! I love that you and your both wore mustard yellow. It is the best color ever. We totally went to the circus in front of the Rathaus! It was so fun. We were cheering really loud and the people in front of us got so mad. But what the heck it is the circus not a concert. So went kept cheering and one of the ladies turned around and just screamed really loudly at us. Your host frau has an amazing backward! Are you taking any classes from Frau Weissgerber or Professor Krohl? Have you met Marco or Marie yet? Well the double reed round up this weekend was fun. We missed you though!

  2. O man!! That looks so great Amanda! I can't believe you went on the oldest ferris wheel! That is scary! It is still unbelievable to me that you are in Vienna! So awesome!
